Questions about you child's development
A developmental delay occurs when your child does not meet developmental milestones (e.g., crawling, walking, talking, social interactions) at a typical rate. Developmental delays are common among children with underlying medical conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, Down's syndrome, and cerebral palsy.
Please use the following developmental checklist to ensure your young child is on track to meet developmental milestones within the expected range.

How can a Licenced Educational Psychologist help?
A licensed educational psychologist (LEP) is a profession unique to the state of California. LEPs are school psychologists who have worked at least three years in a school as a school psychologist and are licensed for private practice through the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences.
LEPs possess a unique understanding of school systems and special education law, as well as expertise in child development, teaching pedagogy, and assessment. LEPs can provide support to parents and school-teams in ways that traditional psychologists and private practitioners cannot; LEPs possess first-hand experience regarding the rigorous path parents and school teams follow to support the learning of all students.
LEPs are highly trained to assess intellectual functioning, academic achievement, processing abilities, socio-emotional well-being, and behavior across home and school.
A licensed educational psychologist can provide a fresh perspective to parents and school teams through assessment and consultation.

Leah M. Van Deth, Ph.D.
Licensed Educational Psychologist
LEP #3795
Dr. Van Deth is a licensed educational psychologist and CA certified school psychologist. She completed her doctoral training in school psychology at The Pennsylvania State University and has worked in public schools across Northern and Southern CA.
Dr. Van Deth has taught graduate level assessment and statistics courses within the Cal State system, provided in-service training on behavior and assessment for school districts, and presented research at national and state organization conferences.